Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) completed examination of observance of rules on financing of political parties during electoral campaigns for the local government elections and European Parliament elections, both held in 2009.

For the first time in accordance with simplified procedure political parties had to submit only declaration on income and expenses for the elections 30 days after the elections. Previously political parties submitted also statements about planed expenses for the elections.

Legal framework governing pre-election campaigning has been subject to substantial changes:

  • amount of expenses for electoral campaigns increased;
  • limitations apply only to certain electoral campaigning activities (placement of advertising, postal expenses, financing and sponsoring of charity events);
  • period of electoral campaign shortened from 270 to 120 days.

Most important novelty of 2009 electoral campaigning is definition of so called third persons and their rights and obligations, as well as established maximum amount to be spent for pre-election campaigning.

For 2009 electoral campaigning political parties have spent in total 3,7 million lats. Largest sums for both campaigns were spent by political parties represented in the Saeima: the Latvia’s First/ Latvia’s Way party (Latvijas Pirmā partija/partija “Latvijas ceļš”) spent 632 907,17 Ls, People’s party (Tautas partija) spent 569 131,83 Ls, expenditures of party “New Era” (“Jaunais laiks”) and “Concord Centre” (“Saskaņas centrs”) reached 448 922,57 Ls and 320 542,96 Ls respectively. Threshold of limitated expenses was exceeded only by one political party “For Latvia and Ventspils” (Latvijai un Ventspilij) for 1 064,93 Ls. This money in accordance with the effective legislation has to be reimbursed to the state budget.

24 parties faced administrative charges for various breaches of rules on financing of political parties (for example, false statements in declarations, acceptance of restricted gifts, etc.). KNAB has imposed administrative fines ranging from 20 up to 620 Ls in total amount of 5 400 Ls.

Data basis of declarations submitted by political parties (only in Latvian) "Partiju deklarācijas".