Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) last week recognised as suspect former administrator-accountant of the European Commission Delegation to Latvia in the framework of investigation of alleged wangling of European Union money.

KNAB investigates the case since September 2008 which was started on basis of the information received from the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) concerning alleged fraudulent activities of former employee of the European Commission Delegation to Latvia. In the course of investigation both in Riga and in Brussels in cooperation with OLAF it was detected that administrator-accountant at that time transferred EU money to accounts of fictitious companies for workshops which in reality were not organised. Total amount of wangled money is 21 000 lats.

Two persons were recognised as suspects by KNAB- former administrator of the EC delegation for large scale fraud (Article 177 (3) of the Criminal Law) and a private person for supporting large scale fraud (Articles 177 (3) and 20 (4) of the Criminal Law).

Security measure unrelated to deprivation of liberty was applied to both persons.