EEZ un KNAB logo

In the context of the European Economic Area (EEA) grant programme “International police cooperation and the fight against crime”, the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau has received support for the implementation of the project “Support for the establishment of a whistle-blowing system in Latvia”.

The aim of the project is to promote public involvement in reporting corruption and other latent crimes, while providing citizens with a secure and convenient reporting channel, as well as improving the competence of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau in detection and investigation of corruption crimes.

Within the framework of the project, three significant activities are scheduled to be carried out by 30 April, 2024:

  1. Developed online whistle-blowing platform.
  2. Carried out two social campaigns to promote public awareness.
  3. Implemented measures to strengthen the investigation and analytical capacity of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau.

Support for implementation of the project was received from the EEA Grants 2014-2021 programme “International police cooperation and the fight against crime”. Within the framework of the EEA grant programme, the Ministry of Interior acts as a programme manager, while the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau is the project implementer.

Reporting platform “Ziņo KNAB!”

Mobile app (reporting avaliable from Latvia, only)

Mobile app (reporting avaliable from Latvia, only)
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Mobile app (reporting avaliable from Latvia, only)

Mobile app (reporting avaliable from Latvia, only)
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Social campaigns carried out within the project

Informational campaign “Corruption Iceberg”

The first capaign carried out in 2021
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Publications related to the project

Izpludināta Rīgas panorāma, pa virsu balts EEZ grantu logo
Sievietes rokas, kurās ir gaiša aploksne
Seši KNAB pārstāvji, no tiem trīs sievietes un trīs vīrieši.
Baneris ar kampaņas devīzi "Korupcija smacē! Ziņo KNAB lietotnē", kā arī attēls ar planšetdatoru, kurā spēlēts kampaņas interaktīvais rīks
Attēlā redzami KNAB rīkotās domapmaiņas dalībnieki
Text "KNAB learns experience of Danish National Police in the area of whistleblowing". Under the text, logo of EEA grants and KNAB are placed. On the right, there is a photo with two men and two women from both Danish National Police and KNAB
Eiropas Ekonomikas zonas grantu logo (uz balta fona ar melniem burtiem "Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants" ar dažādu formu figūrām. Pa labi KNAB logo - melns ērglis, kam apkārt dzeltens riņķis, kurā ar melniem burtiem rakstīts "Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojs", zem ērgļa melniem burtiem "KNAB" un iestādes devīze "Gods pār varu"
Eiropas Ekonomikas zonas grantu logo (uz balta fona ar melniem burtiem "Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants" ar dažādu formu figūrām. Pa labi KNAB logo - melns ērglis, kam apkārt dzeltens riņķis, kurā ar melniem burtiem rakstīts "Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas birojs", zem ērgļa melniem burtiem "KNAB" un iestādes devīze "Gods pār varu"
Logo of KNAB, EEA grants, as well as four organizations of Liechtenstein
Attēlā redzami KNAB un Austrijas Federālā pretkorupcijas biroja pārstāvji.
Fotogrāfijā redzami KNAB, kā arī Norvēģijas Pašvaldību un modernizācijas ministrijas pārstāvji, kas ir kompetentā Norvēģijas institūcija godprātības un ētiskuma veicināšanā un atbildīga par pretkorupcijas izglītošanas sistēmu publiskajā pārvaldē.
Logos of three institutions: Eirojust, Rijksrecherche, Paleis van Justitie
Meeting of representatives of KNAB and Icelandic Prime Minister’s Office
Squares of colours, text "Public opinion poll 2022" and logo of the EEA grants and KNAB
Korupcijas aisbergs Daugavā
EEZ un KNAB logo